
Редакционна колегия:
проф. Владимир Михайлов,
доктор на изкуствознанието
доц. д-р Десислава Бошнакова
доц. д-р Михаил Мелтев
доц. д-р Руси Маринов

Отговорен редактор:
д-р Петя Александрова

На корицата:
Студенти от випуск 2011, дипломна защита
Татяна Илиева

ISSN 1310-8670



The present Annual Book 2011 of the Department of  Mass Communications in NBU is the 15th edition in succession for that scientific book andits 6th modern electronic edition.

The first section of the Annual Book 2011 includes studies by actual lecturers of the Department of Mass Communications in NBU.

Prof. Vladimir Mihaylov, D.Sc., in his article “Media Against the Theather and Film Art” ascertains that it is not the new technologies, but rather the the new type of users that should be in the focus of the theater and cinema productions. Prof. Tolya Stoitsova, D.Sc., in her work “Media, Communications and Concerns” underlines, that we are still in the process of getting media literate, while the world is already in the process of media education. Assoc. Prof. Dessislava Boshnakova, PhD, in “Peoples’ Campaigns” tells of the introduction of changes to the model of communication provoked by the silent consumer, who suddenly starts to talk, not abiding by the  campaigns that are  planned by companies. Assoc. Prof. Mihail Meltev, PhD, inCreative Personnel Management” reviews how precisely is this management manifested as a skill of channeling the efforts of talented individuals  in the direction of the  common goals. Assoc. Prof. Dr. Raina Nikolova,  inCriteria for Evaluation of Contents which are Unfavorable or Creating  Danger of Damaging the Physical, Psychological and Moral/Social Development of the Child”  writes of three basic groups of problems: the unsuitable programmatic concepts, the scenes of violence, and the scenes containing sex. Assoc. Prof. Rossen Stoyanov, PhD, in  his Communication Democracyfollows how the “fourth power” - both as a power-holder and as a part-taker in the ruling processes – undergoes a transformation into a power of the majority. Assoc. Prof. Roussi Marinov, PhD, inThe Information Domain – Challenges, Practices, and Problems” makes the point that it is necessary to be knowledgeable of the basic theories, principles, and models in the information science in order for the contemporary institutions to be capable of generating information of high quality which is not misleading the recipients. Chief Assistant Prof. Stoyko Petkov, PhD, in “The Cluetrain Manifesto in the Social Media Era” notes that the clients are without any doubt more inter-connected, but the human voice in the dialogue is still sought after. Petia Alexandrova, PhD, in The New Situation in Bulgarian Film Making” puts the accent on the abundance of debuts as well as on the mode of financing which is not state-provided any more. Boryl Mechkov inThe Crisis in Confidence in Social Media: Unavoidable or Short-Sighted Play with the Fireinsists that the main challenge facing the social media outlets remains the content of their programs. Dessy Monova in A Human, a PR, or… The Brand New World of the PR” comments how the technological development occupies the center of the process of changes taking place in the real-life practice of public relations. Kyril Gotzev in “The End of TV Programming” compares from a historical perspective the poly-thematic and mono-thematic TV channels aiming at achieving simultaneously satisfaction of the viewers’ requirements for multi-faceted contents. Todor Panayotov in Judicial Frame and Regulation of the Newspaper Activities in Bulgaria (1879–1947)” relates about a specific time-spell in the history of the press in our country.

Under “Articles by Ph.D. Students”, Dessislava Dankova, in How the New Technologies Changed the PR Profession” provides her specific answers to: who, through what channels, to whom, and with what effect. Hristo Bonev, in his Printed Media in the Digital Agefollows the development of the published books and the press up to the present day. Juliana Kancheva, in Convergence in the Media”, makes note of the new media morphologies: digitalization, interaction, and globalization and their technological, jurisdictional and economic regulation.

The second section presents two dissertations, the authors of which have been bestowed with the postgraduate academic degree of PhD at the Mass Communications Department in NBU.  Evelina Christova, in her thesis “Internal Communications in Bulgaria and EU Policy”,analyzes internal communications as a dynamically evolving factor in the existence and work of the organizations  performing their activities in the common European space, which on its behalf is also in the process of evolution and development. Ralitsa Filipova, in the thesis “E-Journalism: History, Specifics, Development” researches the processes of the origin, establishment, and evolution starting from the first  electronic media – the radio, and coming up to the newest - Internet, thus covering a period of almost one full century.

The third section presents theaccents of the Spring and of the Autumn Conferences of 2011, managed by the Department of Mass Communications, namely the first topic being “Media and PR in Search of Themselves, and the second one – “What Content Do We Generate in the Web-Space”.                         

The fourth section is allotted to the XIII Summer School of Public Relations, which during the year under review, was dedicated to the subject “iPR in Practice and Education (PR Education in Bulgaria - 20 Years after the Beginning).

The fifth section presents the new published books by our lecturers: Tolya Stoitsova (together with Howard R. Pollio and Anne Snellen)– “Life and Death in a Time of Terror”, Rossen Stoyanov – “Media Notes”, and Petia Alexandrova –“Lost in Watching. Barriers Facing the Audio-Visual Media”.

In the sixth and final part of the Annual Book, the tradition is continued of presenting the graduates, in this case Alumni 2011, with their names, photos and the titles of their thesises.


Please recognize that the members of the Editorial Board of the Annual Book 2011 of the Department of Mass Communications in NBU are Prof. Vladimir Mihaylov, D.Sc., Assoc. Prof. Russi Marinov, PhD, Assoc. Prof. Mihail Meltev, PhD. Editor in Charge: Petia Alexandrova, PhD.         



Articles by Lecturers


Media Against the Theather and Film Art

Prof. Vladimir Mihaylov, D.Sc.


Media, Communications and Concerns

Prof. Tolya Stoitsova, D.Sc.



Assoc. Prof. Dessislava Boshnakova, PhD


Creative Personnel Management

Assoc. Prof. Mihail Meltev, PhD


Criteria for Evaluation of Contents which are Unfavorable or Creating  Danger of Damaging the Physical, Psychological and Moral/Social Development of the Child

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Raina Nikolova


Communication Democracy

Assoc. Prof. Rossen Stoyanov, PhD


The Information Domain – Challenges, Practices, and Problems

Assoc. Prof. Roussi Marinov, PhD


The Cluetrain Manifesto in the Social Media Era

Chief Assistant Prof. Stoyko Petkov, PhD


The New Situation in Bulgarian Film Making

Petia Alexandrova, PhD


The Crisis in Confidence in Social Media: Unavoidable or Short-Sighted Play with the Fire

Boryl Mechkov


A Human, a PR, or… The Brand New World of the PR

Dessy Monova


The End of TV Programming

Kyril Gotzev


Judicial Frame and Regulation of the Newspaper Activities in Bulgaria (1879–1947)

Todor Panayotov


Articles by Ph.D. Students


How the New Technologies Changed the PR Profession

Dessislava Dankova


Printed Media in the Digital Age

Hristo Bonev


Convergence in the Media

Juliana Kancheva





Internal Communications in Bulgaria and EU Policy

Evelina Christova, PhD


E-Journalism: History, Specifics, Development

Ralitsa Filipova, PhD


The Spring and Autumn Conferences

Summary of the Spring and Autumn Conferences


 Summer School

 XIII Summer school of Public Relations


New books


Alumni 2011

Alumni 2011




ISSN 1310-8670