
Редакционна колегия:

проф. Владимир Михайлов,
доктор на изкуствознанието
проф. д-р Руси Маринов
проф. д-р Михаил Мелтев
доц. д-р Десислава Бошнакова

Отговорен редактор:
доц. д-р Петя Александрова

На корицата:
Дипломанти, випуск 2012,
с дипломна комисия

Татяна Димитрова
ISSN 1310-8670




    The present Annual Book 2012 of the Department of  Mass Communications in NBU is the 17th edition in succession for that scientific book and its 7th modern electronic edition.


    The first section of the Annual Book 2012 includes studies by actual lecturers of the Department of Mass Communications in NBU.

    В “After Television“ Prof. Vladimir Mihaylov, D.Sc., is examining how the ambitions of the TV content creators has faded away when the mass culture invaded the screen and how the “trash-TV” became the leader on the Bulgarian and the world TV market. In “About Trust in Media and Other Information Sources By Journalists, Bloggers, Business Representatives and Big Cities Citizens” Prof. Tolya Stoitsova, D.Sc., together with Iliana Alexandrova and Diana Popski presents the results of a survey, conducted among four subject groups about trust of the consumers from different institutions; about the reputation problems; the role of the managers and the PR experts; specifics of blogging in Bulgaria. In “Propaganda – Communications – Media” Prof. Roussi Marinov, PhD offers an analysis of main theories, models, principles, goals and definitions in the sphere of propaganda; he seeks the connection between media, communications and propaganda that are building a framework of the world that allows the one to perceive it without an inner conflict.In “Creativity and Craftsmanship in TV Advertising” Prof. Mihail Meltev, PhD tells us about the advertising message, national and regional producing entities, the practical aspects of the producer’s work and some techniques that differentiate advertising from other areas of the audiovisual work. In „Some Theories About Media Influence Through the Prism of Social Media“ Assoc. Prof. Dessislava Boshnakova, PhD is aware there there’s no single theory that can fully explain media influence and focuses on how some of the theories can ease the communication experts work and how much we can trust those theories in this. In „Slavi’s Show” vs. „Broadcasting Masters” Assoc. Prof. Dr. Raina Nikolova, PhD offers a comment on two editions of the TV show Broadcasting Masters that showed some sequences of the Slavi’s Show – critics based on the Copyrights Law analysis of third parties, taking part in Slavi's Show. In „Contemporary Publicity, Mass media and Mass-society“ Assoc. Prof. Rossen Stoyanov, PhDoffers us the idea that the nowadays feudatory that has been recently created and is functioning pretty well has transformed media consuming individuals in borrowed consumers of the advertising producers.In „Theater. Servant of Beauty“ Assoc. Prof. Petia Alexandrova, PhD analyses the reaction in theater circles toward the dictate of the “looking good”: one direction is total conformation towards adulation to the yellowback idea of youth and beauty (offered by the TV soap operas and reality formats); the other direction is total decline of the vanity as a mark of beauty (offered by some plays on International Theater Fest “Varna Summer” 2012). In „Efficient Techniques for Communicating with the Employees in Times of Change or Crisis“ Chief Assistant Prof.  Evelina Christova, PhD offers the most interesting points on manager level and answers to the questions: what are or could be the criteria for evaluating the efficiency of communication with employees in times of change or crisis; to what extend those criteria are effective; to what extend those criteria are comparative and whether combined will equal complex approaches. In „From "Program Stream" to "Audience Stream" Chief Assistant Prof. Stoyko Petkov, PhD tracks how the control of the TV program manager passes to the remote controlholder, who was than replaced by metadata and software programmers. In “The Statesman Konstantin Stoilov and the Development of Bulgarian Periodic Press” Assistant Prof. Todor Panayotov, PhDspeaks about Konstantin Stoilov: as an author (in the leading newspapers „Maritza“ (1878–1885) and „Bulgarian Voice“ (1879–1883), as a minister and prime-minister (Stoilov created legislative acts in the field that has been in use for many years), as a publisher (Stoilov created the „Peace“(1894–1944) newspaper that was a market leader for half a century). In “Television programes for children: nessesety or luxury?” Ralitsa Filipova, PhD, tracks the changes in children mentality from the past few years and defines what are the new needs and anticipations of the children audiences towards the TV production. The article is focused on the creation of a children TV channel. In “Active communication and digital technology” Kyril Gotzev brings up the question why analog media development actually stumbles active communication; is digitalization of the media a heal-all solution or another problem; how passive communication is turning into active.

    The second part presents articles by PhD students . In “Brand Bulgaria. Introducing Integrated Brand Management” Boryana Gosheva outlines some of the major strengths and weaknesses of the brand Bulgaria and offers some directions for the future development of the reputation of the country. In “Images and Stereotypes of Foreign States, Nations and Cultures – Nature and Problem Areas in the Field of Mass Communications Means” Gergana Djelepska examines how the media can contribute to the demolishment of negative stereotypes that rationalize illogical instincts and needs. It could also be a major factor for the creation, confirmation and dissemination of images, opinions and attitudes towards foreign countries, nations and cultures, which could be as close to the real ones, as possible. In “Online crises – communication crisеs 2.0” Dessislava Dankovadeals with the concept of crisis and different types of crisis, with the changes that companies are facing in their communications with the appearance of the Online environment – through the prism of the communication management. In “Media services and Communications” Juliana Kancheva analyses the three main aspects of the media communication – theory, technology and society, by this offering rationalization of the contemporary communication means.

    The third section presents the accents of the Spring and of the Autumn Conferences of 2012, managed by the Department of Mass Communications, namely the first topic being „Memory trough Media” (How the media archives and spells out documents), and the second one – "Culture trough Internet and Internet as a Cult ".                         

    The fourth section is allotted to the XIV Summer School of Public Relations, which during the year under review, was dedicated to the subject “In the Network (Net) of PR“.

    The fifth section presents the new published books by our lecturers: „Cinema and E-media “ by Mihail Meltev, “Interactive Strategic Communications” by Roussy Marinov and “Communications and the organization in 21st century” by Evelina Christova..

    The fifth section  “Gallery” includes creative works of Mass Communications Department team: Ralitsa Filipova’s rag doll exhibition, photography by Kiril Gotzev, drawings by Tatyana Dimitrova and a newsletter by Alexandra Atanasova, Alexandra Chomoneva, Maria Pavlova and Katherina Angelova, 4th year students, reporting from the 8th International Animation Fest, Varna.

    The documentary movie “Mr. Gladstone and the Bugarians”is a production of Mihail Meltev and is created by NBU team.

    In the final part of the Annual Book, the tradition is continued of presenting the graduates, in this case Alumni 2012, with their names, photos and the titles of their thesises.


    Please recognize that the members of the Editorial Board of the Annual Book 2012 of the Department of Mass Communications in NBU are Prof. Vladimir Mihaylov, D.Sc., Prof. Roussi Marinov, PhD, Prof. Mihail Meltev, PhD, Assoc. Prof. Dessislava Boshnakova, PhD. Editor in Charge: Assoc. Prof . Petia Alexandrova, PhD. Summary translated by Evelina Christova, PhD.




    Articles by Lecturers


    After TV

    Prof. Vladimir Mihaylov, D.Sc.


    About Trust In Media and Other Information Sources By Journalists, Bloggers, Business Representatives and Big Cities Citizens

    Prof. Tolya Stoitsova, D.Sc., Iliana Alexandrova and Diana Popski


    Propaganda – Communications – Media

    Prof. Roussi Marinov, PhD


    Creativity and  craftsmanship in TV advertising

    Prof. Mihail Meltev, PhD


    Some Theories About Media Influence Through the Prism of Social Media

    Assoc. Prof. Dessislava Boshnakova, PhD


    „Slavi’s Show” vs. „Broadcasting Masters”

    Assoc. Prof. Dr. Raina Nikolova, PhD


    Contemporary Publicity, Massmedia and Mass-society

    Assoc. Prof. Rossen Stoyanov, PhD


    Theater. Servant of Beauty

    Assoc. Prof. Petia Alexandrova, PhD


    Efficient Techniques for Communicating With the Employees in Times of Change or Crisis

    Chief Assistant Prof.  Evelina Christova, PhD


    From "Program Stream" to "Audience Stream"

    Chief Assistant Prof. Stoyko Petkov, PhD


    The Statesman Konstantin Stoilov and the Development of Bulgarian Periodic Press

    Assistant Prof. Todor Panayotov, PhD


    Television Programs for Children: Necessity or Luxury?

    Ralitsa Filipova, PhD


    Active Communication and Digital Technology

    Kyril Gotzev


    Articles by Ph.D. Students


    Brand Bulgaria. Introducing Integrated Brand Management

    Boryana Gosheva


    Images and Stereotypes of Foreign States, Nations and Cultures – Nature and Problem Areas in the Field of Mass Communications Means

    Gergana Djelepska


    Online Crises – Communication Crisеs 2.0

    Dessislava Dankova


    Media Services and Communications

    Juliana Kancheva


    The Spring and Autumn Conferences

    „Memory trough Media” (How the media arhives and spells out documents) – програма

    "Culture trough Internet and Internat as a Cult " - programme

    Summary of the Spring and Autumn Conferences


     Summer School

     XIV Summer school of Public Relations


    New books

    „Cinema and E-media “, Mihail Meltev

    “Interactive Strategical Communications”, Roussy Marinov

    “Communications ans the organisation in 21st century”, Evelina Christova


    Kyril Gotzev

    Ralitsa Filipova

    Tatyana Dimitrova

    Newsletter by Alexandra Atanasova, Alexandra Chomoneva, Maria Pavlova and Katherina Angelova, 4th year students, reporting from the 8th International Animation Fest, Varna.


    “Mr. Gladstone and the Bulgarians”

    Alumni 2012



    ISSN 1310-8670