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Conceptual model for digital scheduling system for Medical Military Academy, Sofia, Bulgaria


I.Pendzhurov[1], P.Mihova[2], G.Bocheva[3]

[1, 2,] New Bulgarian University, Sofia, Bulgaria

[3 ]Military Medical Academy, Sofia, Bulgaria

[1],[ ] [2],  [3]




The paper presents conceptual model with vision for approaching implementation a scheduling software solution for the Military Medical Academy, that would manage everything in an adminstrative plan is the biggest healing and educational-scientific complex in Bulgaria. MMA performs diverse diagnostic and treatment activities to develop military medical science and to conduct training, specialization and improvement of military medical personnel to maintain readiness and fighting capacity of the army, storage and recovery health of the military.

Whether there are two or three shifts to cover in each 24-hour cycle, and taking into account the individual needs and preferences of each staff member and allows managers always to know the availability of qualified personnel, staff preferences for particular days, shifts and units, and union and regulatory requirements. It provides the tools necessary to keep track of staffing reports, regulated ratios and all of the demands that medical services must meet.


Published in: Pendzurov I., P.Mihova, G.Bocheva, Conceptual model for digital scheduling system for Medical Military Academy“, Bulgaria, , "Ukrainian Journal of Telemedicine and Medical Telematics", ISSN 1811-1688 (Online), ISSN 1728-936X (Print), Том 11, №1, 2013


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