Нов български университет




Margarita Stankova, Violeta Boyanova


New Bulgarian University, Sofia, Bulgaria




The article includes information about the basic forms of language disorders in people with schizophrenia and their presentation as specific manifestations of negative or positive symptoms during the clinical evaluation. Language dysfunctions in schizophrenia are reviewed by at least two types of violations - violations in semantic memory or general executive difficulties and problems in following the context . Receptive language disorders in schizophrenia are considered as the representation of learning disabilities to be included in neurodevelopmental etiology. It is presented a summary of the structure of language and speech symptoms of schizophrenia and data from a clinical case, applicable to the model.





Published in: Stankova M., V.Boyanova, S-k Logopediya, IX Natsionalna konferentsiya na NSLB, Bansko, 30 mart – 01 april 2012 g. str. 81 – 86






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