
Each year, since 1996, the Department of Mass Communications publishes its Annual Handbook. The present edition is a collection of papers for the year 2007 – the first year in which Bulgaria became a regular member of European Union. For the second time the Handbook will be not published on paper but on a disk Or our department will establish a tradition in NBU for publishing an e-version of the Annual Handbook of Mass Communication Department.

The first section of the Annual Handbook 2007 includes theoretical and practical research results presented by the Department lecturers of Mass Communications: Prof. Mihaylov, D.Sc. presents the “Essence of the Mass Media History”; Prof. Tolya Stoitsova, D.Sc. together with her ex-PhD student, Dr. Bistra Mizova suggested an opportunity to realize the connection between theory and practice in “The Role of PR in the Development of Organizational Culture: A Study of Internal Publics”; the journalist practitioner Assoc. Prof. Alexander Angelov, PhD is underlying “New Problems in Ethics of Journalism”; Assoc. Prof. Russi Marinov, PhD fixed his attention on “Communications, Transformations and Change”; "Electronic Mass Media Management” is the topic, chosen by Assoc. Prof. Mihail Meltev, PhD; Senior Ass. Dessislava Boshnakova, PhD discussed “The Image of PR in Bulgaria”; Ass. Stoyko Petkov. PhD underlined the development “From Public Media toward “Contents Presenting Public Interests”; a new issue for Bulgaria “Is Internet a Mass Media?” is debated by Ass. Rosen Stoyanov, PhD; one more material was devoted to ethics, this time in PR field, “Ethics and PR – Hypothesis and Pragmatics”, written by Alexander Hristov; as a loyer, Dr. Emil Lozev proposed an article on “Multimedia Products as an Object of Authors Law”; the metaphor “Golden Section” was used as a title of the text written by an art expert Hristina Todorova; international experience in the law field again – “Juristic Status of French Media Regulator”, was proposed by Assoc. Prof. Dr. Rayna Nikolova.

The second section of the Annual Papers includes two articles by the First year PhD students of the Department of Mass Communications. Evelina Hristova, PR, presents her views on “PR and Internal Organizational Communications”. Ralitsa Filipova, journalism, prepared a material on “Children as Readers, Listeners, TV Viewers and Users”.

In the third part we are continuing to support the established already tradition – a chance for students' best materials to be published in the Annual Handbook. This time most of the materials are parts of Bachelor thesis defended by an excellent marks, one is a personal opinion reflected in an essay. The Power Point presentation is a collective work of four female students prepared in Master program in fact for a final exam of the classes in “On-Line Media Communication” held by Prof. T. Stoitsova and PhD student E. Tsoneva. Names of these young authors are: Adriana Hadjieva, Gabriela Stoichkova, Eva Shirokova I Kinchi Gizdova. Also, there were other students' materials that were rewarded: “Mom, Pa, I and the TV” by Adriana Hadjieva; “Ecstasy – a Phenomenon of 21st Century” by Ana Aneva; “When Mass Culture Is Treated Seriously or Why Slavi Trifonov {Show} Failed?” by Bilyana Konstantinova; “What Speak to Us Titles in Mass Media” by Vladimira Karabencheva and Ralitsa Mihaylova; “Historical Development and Forming of European Identity” by Gabriela Stoichkova; “Political Language in Television of Bulgarian Transformation Process” by Iliya Dafov; “Media Aspects of Global Terrorism and Its Effects in Europe” by Ralitsa Marinova and Petya Marinova.

The fifth and last part is again connected with a tradition of the Department of Mass Communication: It presents Alumni with names, of course with personal photos (everyone to be unforgettable!), themes of the Diploma thesis and short CV information of the students who were successful and have graduated BA, MA and PhD degrees.

In Annual Book 2007 for the first time we include “materials in motions”, just to defend the name of the Department – Mass Communications, which means besides classical mass media like newspapers, also TV, Internet or in general – all kinds of digital technology. Both short movies are connected with two Scientific Conferences, organized and successfully held by the Department of Mass Communications:

1. The opening session and some moments in the Scientific Conference “We” Journalism and “We” Public Relations, held on December 2007. (30 min)
2. National TV Army Channel documentary devoted to a Scientific Conference, “Media, Terror and Security”, held on 19 November 2007. (30 min)