10. Серафимова Е., С. Миленкова, В. Стоянов, Й. Пеловски, В. Петкова, Механични изпитвания на композити от керамични материали, In: Proc. of 15th INTERNATIONAL SCIENTIFIC CONFERENCE VSU'2015, Editors: V. Stoyanov and D. Partov, vol. 1, 4–5 June 2015, Sofia, Bulgaria ISSN: 1314-071X, (2015), v.2, 456-461
Abstract: Reuse of waste is one way to maintain the high quality of the environment and to achieve the implementation of some of the principles of sustainable development. Studies provide new evidence in mechanical tests and strength characteristics and behavior of new composite ceramic materials which are suitable for use in the construction industry. The proposed compositions may be used directly in existing technology and equipment. This will contribute to the sustainability of economic production and better efficiency in the production of bricks.
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