11. Ташева А., В. Петкова, Б. Костова, В. Стоянов, Биоотпадък от птицепроизводство (черупки от яйца). Част 2. Органични технологични приложения, In: Proc. of 15th INTERNATIONAL SCIENTIFIC CONFERENCE VSU'2015, Editors: V. Stoyanov and D. Partov, vol. 1, 4–5 June 2015, Sofia, Bulgaria ISSN: 1314-071X, (2015), v.3, 235-240
Abstract: This article focuses on the potential application of the biowaste from poultry production. The main goal is to highlight the environmental and economic importance of this by-product in order to promote the research in this area and the development of environmentally friendly industrial installations for processing and utilization of the biowaste from poultry production.
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