Нов български университет

Департамент “Масови комуникации”

Type of Crisis and Communication during a CrisisType of Crisis and Communication during a Crisis




Ladies and Gentlemen, dear participants, honorable delegates,

I would like to congratulate the organize committee and the team from NBU for the excellent co-organization of the conference and in particular the scientific committee.

I attended the whole conference, and I must admit that I was impressed with the number and quality of the speakers, the diversity of subjects and integrity of the contributions.

Again congratulations on all, especially to NBU.  


"CRISIS" Definition [1]

Crisis is the response to a dangerous experience, that mental equilibrium which is put to a test the existence and operation of an entity to the 4 basic levels.





Usually an unpleasant event, which goes beyond the everyday levels due to high intensity and cannot be controlled.

Their characteristic is that [2]:

They are serious disorders of the function of a society, causing widespread human material, social and environmental losses.

They create major problems that cannot be solved with the existing sources of help

Who are involved?

- The community affected

- People affected (the person)

- Organizations - Staff – Volunteers



- Disasters (natural [4] or human causes [5])

- Earthquakes [6]

- Extreme weather events (floods, heat waves, snow, hurricanes etc.)

- Industrial technology major accidents

- Traffic large area (plane, train, boat)

- Bioterrorism [7], terrorist attacks

- Armed conflicts, internal or international, where the population threatened or affected

- Population movements (migration and mass arrivals at entry points).



- Changes in living conditions

- Changes in behavior patterns

- An injury or physical disability

- The loss of loved ones

- Cleavage of the family

- The loss of significant assets

- The loss of income or employment

- Lack of information

- The uncertainty about the consequences of the disaster

- Psychological shock



- Partial or total interruption of the supply of basic services (transport, telecommunications, water, electricity, health services and welfare)

- Paralysis of economic life / social life (job loss, land, tools, animals etc / loss officers as priests, teachers, doctors)

- Effect on the environment (damage to buildings - damage to crops)

- Risk of epidemics

- Schism in the community (minorities, religious groups)

The 3 stages of a crisis [9]

Before Disaster (Prevention- Preparation)

During a Disaster  ( Response )

After Disaster (Recovery).



Whereas the disaster requires planned, coordinated actions and interventions with long-term goals, emphasis should be placed on preventive measures and drafting preparation plans that include [10]:

-  Recording of Help sources Local, National International level

-  Assessment and provide necessary resources and means to finance aid

-  Organization, distribution of powers, coordination, cooperation and communication between competent departments within an organization and between different organizations and agencies

-  Continuous Training of Personnel (professional and volunteer)


The first stage includes all those actions and procedures which are aimed at organization and preparedness of the state before the occurrence of a disaster in terms of scientific, technological, business, legal, economic, social, etc.


B) 2[nd]  Stage

In this phase applies the action plan of the respective state in our country turn the national contingency plan adapted to the species, the extent of this disaster, but the specifics of the region [11].

The second stage included the immediate mobilization and early intervention of the institutions and services just devastating outbreak phenomenon based on a well structured business plan which has been drawn up in previous step we have limited [12].

- Organizing temporary accommodation sites and management of camps.

- Recording the victims and assessing their needs

- Meet priority needs

- Findings of the first psychological / social needs of the population and available resources

- Counseling and advocacy work with emphasis on vulnerable groups

- Mobilizing themselves affected for action

- Supervision and psychological support staff


C) 3[rd] Stage

Finally the third stage includes all those actions aimed at repairing the damage and overall impact and rapid return of social and economic life in the pre-event status..

Special attention is understandably of the three aforementioned steps is the second that the (emergency - intervention) at which action must be direct, well-planned and coordinated in order to be effective, the enclaved rescue efforts [13],

- Immediate medical and psychological assistance and support and general care for the affected population.

In the emergency procedures that the second stage management [14] of disasters included in the following order.

• Information of the basic parameters of a disaster event (time, the focus, size, etc.).

• Direct assessment of the size and scope of the disaster.

• Mobilisation mechanism at state, regional and local level and to the extent applicable.

• Direct sending scientific team rescue scale, technical, medical scales and operators of technical means and necessary equipment.

• Select operation positions by rescue ranks and launching rescue operations.

• Delineation of the area of ​​the disaster, more accurate assessment of the impact and application to the operator to send possible additional assistance.

• Request to send international aid if the area of ​​the disaster surpasses national capabilities.

• Investigation of geodynamic - seismotectonic framework, assessment of

intensity, accompanying identification geodynamic phenomena, assessment of further development of the phenomena.

• Medical assistance organization in hospitals, health centers and immediate evacuation

selected cases to hospitals outside the disaster area.

• Send medical assistance tailored to the needs.

• Food distribution organization Mission and essential supplies.

• homeless slot and above the specific population groups in makeshift camps and organization of living.

• Psychological support to special population groups and people and information.

    (Circle life of a crisis)


   Information has more to do with psychological support for victims.

   There are feelings that the person is experiencing for the first time during the crisis:








 Psychomotor retardation

Emotional withdrawal


Typical Human reactions [15] should through information to cover them

Reduced ability to think and react





What is the role of the media in communicating?

The Media a key factor and the contact is the critical parameter in the management of a crisis because their power is great in a crisis.

If someone set a crisis situation then it is crisis and its consequences [16]. Rosenthal, Boin and Comfort (2001) mentions the author and editor Uriel Rosenthal's book entitled Managing Crises: Threats, Dilemmas and Opportunities

So if a major news network defines a situation as crisis then it is crisis and its consequences

In this age of speed and globalization of media in a crisis requiring immediate and detailed information to citizens.

The government is usually involved factor in a crisis and should inform the public about what is really happening, what is to follow and the consequences that might occur

Otherwise opens a Pandora's box for journalistic rumors and speculations that can to undermine the political climate and affect negatively citizens.



The role of social media in a crisis [17]

In the pie chart in the form of pie as we see, we see that about 50% would choose to contact the social media and if we add those who said they might use, then more than 70% Notwithstanding the role of the most active social media is a continuous upward trend in the second display the active role is shown .As we can see , its shows the role of Social media [18], who joins as intermediate information between traditional media and the population deliberately mention the intermediates because you believe that social media reproduce the news as secondary information without having made a primary research , lack of funds ratio


Research of the European Civil Protection Mechanism shows that the media is by far the most reliable source of information on the European Union countries, far more than governments, NGOs., church and so cannot be ignored in a crisis.


   The Media special emphasis in two general categories crisis which covering intensively:

   a) Major disasters

   b) Statements that cause panic and collective anxiety.



   It is useful for the national and regional authorities to develop or expand strategies for communication and be prepared to implement in their communicative design through different channels where multiple agents seeking information [19]

The communication in a crisis should start immediately. Failure to ensure a constructive relationship during a crisis maximizes available to journalists astray.

The state should care for the continuous briefing and logistical support of the media.

The confrontation with the media anywhere lead to wrong conclusions color development of subsequent events [20] (Pearce, 1995).

The communication policy should be designed to inform clearly and honestly to the public [21].

In crisis prompt action is required, honest and straightforward attitude without probable and open communication with the media

Outline crisis communication response manual which will include the following actions everyone involved in managing a crisis .

Thank you very much for your Attention


Kalogiannidis Stavros

Corporate member of the Foreign Press Association of Greece

Board Member Owners Association Radio Macedonia/ Thrace Stations

Secretary of Research and Innovation Council Western Macedonia


[1] Henry George Liddell, Robert Scott, A Greek-English Lexicon, on Perseus , A crisis (from the Greek κρίσις – krisis ) 

[2] Seeger, M. W.; Sellnow, T. L.; Ulmer, R. R. (1998). "Communication, organization, and crisis". Communication Yearbook 21: 231–275.

[3] Lerbinger, O. (1997). The crisis manager: Facing risk and responsibility. Mahwah, NJ: Erlbaum.

[4] ASIS International, "Organizational Resilience: Security, Preparedness, and Continuity Management Systems-Requirements with Guidance for Use, ASIS SPC.1-2009, American National Standard", 2009

[5] Shrivastava, P. Mitroff, I.I., Miller, D. and A. Miglani, " Understanding industrial crises".Journal of Management Studies, 1988, 25, 4, 285-304.

[6]  Ohnaka, M. (2013). The Physics of Rock Failure and Earthquakes. Cambridge University Press. p. 148.ISBN 9781107355330.

[7] Biologics as Weapons Bioterrorism: A Threat to National Security or Public Health Defining Issue? MM&I 554 University of Wisconsin–Madison and Wisconsin State Laboratory of Hygiene, September 30, 2008

[8] Woolley, N. (1990). Crisis theory: A paradigm of effective intervention with families of critically ill people. Journal of Advanced Nursing, 15(12), 1402-1408. doi:10.1111/1365-2648.ep8529911

[9] Coombs, W. T. (2007a). Crisis management and communications. Retrieved March 20, 2012 from http://www.instituteforpr.org/topics/crisis-management-and-communications/

[10] Hellenic Red Cross :general strategic action plan

[11] Drabek, T. (1985). – Managing the emergency response. Public Administration Review 45 (special issue), 85-92.

[12] Alexander, D. (1993). – Natural Disasters. London, UCL Press.

[13] Ministry of Internal Affairs and Administrative redevelopment, General Secretariat for Civil Protection: national contingency plans

[14] "Rigor and Relevance in Management" 12Manage.com. Retrieved 2007-10-11

[15] Nursing Best Practice Guideline: Shaping the future of Nursing. (Electronic book). Appendix C - Assessment of coping skills and support systems. (Page 53). Executive Director: Doris Grispun, RN, MScN, PhD. Date: August 2002.

[16] Rosenthal, Boin and Comfort (2001) Managing Crises: Threats, Dilemmas and Opportunities .

[17]  Lewis, Adam. "How to manage a social media crisis".

[18] http://issuu.com/steelhenge/docs/socialmedia_crisis?mode=window&backgroundColor=%23222222

[19] "Quick Reference Guide for the National Response Plan (version 4.0)" . May 2006.

[20] W. Barnett Pearce, Interpersonal Communication: Making Social Worlds. HarperCollins, 1994.

[21] "Emergency Management Institute Home Page" .

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