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Destination Branding – the need of content and innovative way of promotion (the case of brand Bulgaria and brand Sofia)

Tatyana Dimitrova, PhD student

Sofia University “St. Kl. Ohridski”


Abstract: This paper presents the results of а research focused on the role of content in branding Bulgaria and Sofia – the vivid examples of the lack of substantive information or creative material. The article offers a new method of structuring the respective tourist brands and of developing the entire brand communication – how brand identity could be achieved not by using marketing analysis of current perceptions, but pre-developing the image to be implied; how traditional approach like integrated marketing communications can be useful in this respect and how the use of myths/legends can be of help. The proposed new method is the know-how in structuring and personification of the tourist brand of every national, regional or city tourist destination.     

Key words: brand content , brand identity, brand personality.


This research focused on the role of content in branding Bulgaria and Sofia provoked the creation of a new brand structuring method, which is the know-how in structuring and personification of the tourist brand of every national, regional or city tourist destination. In order to achieve the aim – structuring a new method,  a review of some theoretical issues is made; a short review of tourism marketing practice is also added and helps us in determining the problems in brand constructing; the nature of myths and legends reveals the new opportunities for creating the personal image of the brand the way we would like to pre-develop it and the way a music star brand is being constructed. An innovative Art communication of the brand is also an integral part of the new method bacause of the importance of the stepping stone development of the brand personality.    

  The need of content is of an exlusive importance for creating a brand of a destination and for the entire brand communication. Brand identity and brand personality most of all need and function through enhanced knowledge, substantive information and creative material. The basic reason brand Bulgaria still doesn’t exist is the lack of content at the most important stage of constructing a brand personality, in visualising the brand and in its slogan; the lack of identity and content also makes the attempts in defining brand Sofia inefficient.

In his “Strategic Brand Management” Philip Kotler presents “The three layers of a brand; kernel, codes and promises”(p.290) and prooves that “The classic conception of branding rests on the following equation: 1 brand = 1 product = 1 promise “(p. 300). “A brand is a name, term, sign, symbol, or design, or a combination of them intended to identify the goods or services of one seller from among a group of sellers and to differentiate them from those of the competitors. Thus, a brand identifies the seller or manufacturer. Under trademark law the seller is granted exclusive rights to the use of the brand name in perpetuity. This differs from other assets such as patents and copyrights that have expiration dates. If a company treats a brand only as a name, it misses the point of branding. The challenge in branding is to develop a deep set of meanings for the brand. Perhaps the most distinctive skill of professional marketers is their ability to create, maintain, protect, and enhance brands. “(Kotler 1994, 444)

In UNWTO handbook destination Mr Simon Anholt, author of the Anholt Nation Brands Index and editor of the Journal of Place Branding and Public Diplomacy, writes the essay ‘Why National Image Matters’ explaining the wide field of information that ‘brand image’ provides which prooves the need of content. “As in any busy marketplace, brand image becomes critical: almost nobody has the time, the patience or the expertise to understand the real differences between the offerings of one country and another, and so people fall back on their fundamental beliefs and prejudices about those countries to help them make their decisions. Just as in the commercial marketplace that ‘brand image’ provides a short cut to an informed buying decision.”

“Countries with … positive reputation find everything easier. Their brand goes before them like a calling card that opens doors, creates trust and respect, and raises the expectation of quality, competence and integrity. “

Pekka Tuominen in “Managing Brand Equity” (LTA 1/99, p. 65) presents one of the richest and profound brand studies concerning brand’s content by observing the concept of brand equity. His research overviews the most important positions that form the branding idea and the idea of brand equity.

 “The historical evolution of brands has shown that brands initially have served the roles of differentiating between competing items, representing consistency of quality and providing legal protection from copying. Apart from providing the offering with the badge of its maker, thereby indicating legal ownership of all the special technical and other relevant features that the offering may possess, the brand can have a powerful symbolic significance. The brand can in itself imply status, enhance image and project or augment lifestyle so that the ownership of the brand becomes of value in its own right. Its accepted qualities can simplify the decision making process by reducing perceived risk while from the supplier’s perspective, it can not only assist in differentiating the offering, but also lead to brand loyalty, deter market entry and, well deployed, enable its owners to command higher prices and profit margins. (Bradley 1995, 522– 524; Egan – Guilding 1994, 450–453) 

“Brand image is the sum of impressions that affect how we perceive a brand, including elements that identify or distinguish the brand from others, the personality the brand acquires, and the benefits it promises. Brand image is largely a subjective and perceptual phenomenon that is formed through consumer interpretation, whether reasoned or emotional. When brand images are strong, they can be used to enhance a person’s self-image. “(de Chernatony – Dall’Olmo Riley 1998a, 429; Keegan – Moriarty – Duncan 1995, 319–324)

Six general guidelines (Keller 1993, 14–15) for managing customer-based brand equity emphasise the importance of taking a broad view of marketing a brand; specifying the desired consumer knowledge structures and core benefits of a brand; considering a wide range of traditional and non-traditional marketing communication options; co-ordinating and taking a long-term view of the marketing decisions to be taken; conducting tracking studies; and evaluating potential extension candidates. (Keller 1993, 17)

The existing of content marketing today is another accent that marketing itself can not exist without its valuable content effectively aiming generating income.

Content marketing is defined as “a strategic marketing approach focused on creating and distributing valuable, relevant, and consistent content to attract and retain a clearly defined audience—and, ultimately, to drive profitable customer action.” (The annual research  2016 B2C Content Marketing Trends—North America: Content Marketing Institute / Marketing Profs) http://contentmarketinginstitute.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/10/2016_B2C_Research_Final.pdf

Anita Mendirata, special adviser to the Secretary-General of UNWTO: "Destinations rich in culture, history and traditions, can effectively and proudly put on display these advantages and make them lay down like pillars in building the brand and positioning, which inspires the future of the destination." (Mendirata A." Tourism Branding: Using Your Voice", page 5). Determining the destination branding as a clear, compelling and competitive offer in combination with a unique and creative identity Mendirata adds some more features to the specific content of the brand and branding. To these she adds strong communication strategy and so they work together as a fuel for the creation and positioning of the destination as a serious offer for travelers. (Mendirata, A. "The Role of Government in Tourism – the Critical "How") "Every destination has its unique needs and priorities when it comes to growth and development of the tourism sector. The form follows the function." About marketing any destination as needs, expectations and anticipated benefits Mendirata follows the UNTWO research that says they vary greatly for each destination. "There is no one size that fits all”. But all concerns content.

A proven brand model used by many companies in Europe and North America (depicted in the chart below) is designed to help identify the optimal positioning and value proposition for the brand. It starts with the definition of what could be the effective positioning. Generally speaking, a well-positioned brand is:

·  Differentiated from the competition

·  Relevant to its audience

·  Defendable by the product

·  Aligned with the core brand values


Branding beyond borders, August 4, 2011 in AdvertisingGlobal BrandingInternational BusinessMarketingTranslation & Localization)



  The lack of valuable and competitive content of Brand Bulgaria

The most vivid example of the lack of profound content is the case "Developing Brand "Bulgaria", Product and Regional Brands and Introduction of Integrated Brand Management" a project developed by "Union For Structuring Bulgaria Brand" in 2012. The facts are: a market research, including 9 studies in 11 countries among more than 8 000 respondents; analyzed different branding and legal practices in a total of 20 destinations, social networks abroad and other sources; 500 representatives of stakeholders been consulted and 11 meetings presenting the strategic direction; created 10 sub-brands for different types of tourism, entirely accurate to build a future subbrands of Bulgaria. The problem is the not accepted logo and slogan at the final stage of the project and the lack of brand and content. The lack of content is evident at all stages of the creation of the brand. Since the logo and slogan are part of the last stage of building a brand (its visual and verbal elements) of the overall project, they are the result of the mistakes of the previous stages. In summary, the errors are rooted in gaps in content - in the questions, that are not “in-depth questions”, in the lack of real SWOT analysis, missing competitive advantages; in wrong selection of methodology to create a brand - the fact that they can not obtain an expert’s view; and in wrong selection of experts, involved in this research (not only tourism, but also history; ecology; archaeology, etc.)

Ultimately, the lack of content does not allow the creation of a brand. Results – instead of finding valuable and attractive authenticity there are subbrands, that are different types of toursm, we didn’t need such a research to know about. The true conclusion that Bulgaria is an unknown destination can never be a competitive advantage, that could be the kernel of the future brand – this is just an evidence of a result of inefficient marketing campaigns. Faceless, impersonal, empty of content are the slogans of Bulgaria – "A Discovery, Which Must be Shared".

   The market research gives information that largely shapes the structure of the proposed product and the message, but does not offer the basic identity to us - we do not expect another to tell us who we are. In this marketing research for the brand identity the effect is "a vicious circle" because they repeat two consequtive errors. The first - the conclusion that Bulgaria is an unpopular tourist destination based on the conducted marketing research is actually a clear indicator of insufficient marketing job, not an indicator that can be output as a characteristic element of the brand structure of the destination. Brand should be constructed out of competitive advantages of Bulgaria as a tourist destination, our values. This leads to incorrect selection of the new message - "A Discovery, Which Must Be Shared," again empty invitation even more amorphous and odd message, as opposed to "Bulgaria - Magic Lives Here!". The vicious circle is that marketers expect suggestions of conscious branded items from the market studies, and vice versa - the tourist market expects a clear message.

The establishment and imposition of subbrands before or on the same stage of positioning brand Bulgaria is defocusing the message of the brand. The presentation of subbrands should be at a later stage of branding in the form of development of product brands, targeted to any particular tourist market, according to the analysis of the markets "Communication strategy for promotion of Bulgaria as a tourist destination in 2015."

Another empty invitation or a confession “We can not tell you what, we don’t know, but you “Discover Sofia!” or “Sofia is yours to explore!”. The only message bearing content was Sofia – find your story here!, but the short period and the lack of a communication campaign didn’t allow its development.

We are facing the need to establish a clear identity, attractive and authentic image of the destination - a promise for something valuable, memorable, recognizable, that differs from the other destinations ... We face the task to indicate what discovery should be shared. The task is to give content to our brand. 

A new brand developing method that establishes the personality of the brand like creating a show star and implementing a brand new art communication of the brand.  

The proposed new method is the know-how in structuring and personification of the tourist brand of every national, regional or city tourist destination. This method of structuring the respective tourist brands and of developing the entire brand communication prooves how brand identity could be achieved not by using marketing analysis of current perceptions, but pre-developing the image to be implied. It is a question of arranging attributes according to their importance and competitiveness. Traditional approach like integrated marketing communications can be useful again – they are our instruments in presenting, positioning and developing the brand image. Aside these instruments the use of myths/legends could be the basic new instrument – the spring of art communication of the brand. Art communication of the brand is the future of tourism brand positioning. Myths and legends are the basic spring of creating a screenplay – the way our brand story will have its life in movies, theatre, operas and ballet; tourist routes and kid’s games.  

Using the formula we can first define the brand, regardless of target market segments, relying on one brand structure that promises maximizing resource potential to the maximum number of markets.  

The personality of the brand deserves a star’s career, but first of all it needs content. Marketing can not help us in finding the necessary profound and rich in layers content that the experts can. The knowledge about the destination covers and connects all the sciences in the deepest research in attaining facts-features of the future brand character. Building a brand is building a complex character that can be modelled on one hand and on the other - it attracts and "seduces" tourists – future guests of the destination.

City brands and country brands are brand personalities, consisting of different features.

Our aim: To be offered a competitive identity of a tourist brand - alive and powerful brand personality of Bulgaria and Sofia.

 In order to achieve the aim we need a new brand developing method. Nation branding is the process of creating the nation’s values and benefits for its people, and sustaining its competitiveness. City branding – also.  

Objectives: To be created a formula for creating brand personality of  any tourist destination

The aim of the brand is to achieve a competitive differentiation of the destination, but also to create dynamic relationships and emotions between the destination and potential customers to attract and retain the interest of potential guests of the destination. The creation of a brand of a tourist destination is creating a great emotional image of the destination - building a personality with a complex image that resembles a show star by virtue of its impact on potential "fans" and can be structured, managed and modelled. The process is predictable to a great extent – at least 70 %.


 Successful branding is in purchasing the aim – constructing a brand and then developing the stages of a star personality. Constructing a tourist destination brand is the process of building a complex character that can be modeled on one hand and on the other - it attracts and "seduces" tourists – future guests of the destination.

The figure offers an author’s brand personality structuring method, following stages of the workflow.  Every new task derives from the aim and is a part of the way to achieve the aim.  

Subtasks: Atypically this type of scientific research following the suggested new method offers dozens of subtasks nested in the process of this scientific project that will consequently lead to realization of the aim. 

Stages of the Brand Personality Structuring Method

1. Aim. Widened presentation of the aim and transforming of every statement into tasks.

2. Decomposing the main objective in sub objectives (Marinov, V., Shumkova, 2007) and again transforming them into tasks;

3. Selection and analysis of the branding theory underlying the creation of brand and brand personality. Displayed criteria for measuring the strength of the brand to be reformulated as tasks to be performed to the assets of the destination (an in-depth resource study), and the results of this research - parts of the future brand structure (composition).

4. Reformulating ransforming of reported destination problems in goals (Marinov, V., Shumkova, 2007)

5. Mechanical sum of all assigned tasks and detailed resource research. Displaying the answers.

6. Starting the reverse process - composing with subtasks: reporting all the answers and conclusions and applying SWOT analysis, displaying the range of assets and the implementation the matrix for competitive brand identity of Simon Anholt, the application of analysis and synthesis of the results of the resource study of the destination and comparing competitive advantages not regionally and globally. Displaying the characteristics of brands and their order of importance. Creating a basic message of destination. Creating a destination logo or guidance for its creation. Looking for a way to convert open brand identity into brand personality - the example of building a star in show business.

7. Creation of foundations of a Communication Art Strategy for the development of brand personality in stages. Create works of art that will be part of the Communication Art Strategy of brands. Use of creative elements in the implementation of each task.

  Brand’s personality is a carrier of the values ​​of the destination. We create brand to manage the willingness of tourists, we attack minds where own aspirations of the individual arise to deep immersion in a new culture.

Following the new method of brand personality structuring, after selecting attributes according to the matrix of competitive identity in the scientific research will be applied a detailed SWOT analysis of strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats for the development of tourism in the destination. This analysis will give us the assets for composing the brand character. This analysis is also of greatest importance for the selection of a strategy to position a brand. Telling is the ratio of factors in all four quadrants of the SWOT analysis. A formulation of the allegations of each of the factors is a matter of clearly formulated and synthesized presentation of the situation, it is extremely critical realistic view of the analyzed factors. The analysis and synthesis are extremely important for strategic decision making.

Future Country Brand Framework includes eight essential country brand dimensions. Developed specifically for country brands by Simon Anholt, the framework crystallizes how we look at these highly complex and multilayered brands. It allows us to discern the strengths of countriesdestinations and identify leverageable assets for the development of holistic country brand platforms.

The matrix of competitive identity consists of eight key dimensions of a country brand - composites of multiple attributes, divided into needs and wants - based components. 

8 dimensions: attractions , culture, geography, infrastructure,  governance, economy, ethos,  authenticity

1. Attractions: diversity and quality unique locations range (list) of things that can be seen or experienced

2. Authenticity: unique character, along with the rich texture of life in the destination; rituals, programs, events

3. Culture: arts, crafts, intellectual achievement, creative atmosphere

4. Ethos: customs, beliefs, customs and history that create a distinctive characteristic mystique

5. Geography: natural resources, topography, terrain

6. Infrastructure: The technologies, communications, transport

7. Management: Level of efficiency of the way a country is governed, as evidenced by political freedom, national security and safety

8. Economy: The ability to produce and distribute wealth, standard of living

Building a brand is building a vision and image of a show star - telling the valuable in its history, presenting the most precious gift, describing the specifics of its talent ... That’s why in creating a destination brand should be applied the formula of creating a product "Music Star"

The biggest and the strongest message is sent first to attract the attention. The first glance, the first meeting are very important - they wedge in the mind in the moment of magic touch. Claiming the brand image will realize with the help of artistic works - to revive the most spectacular and inspiring way that the most intense part of the soul of the brand bears its essence. Each new feature of brand image (the second most important asset of destination then third, etc.) is introduced, following two important conditions - artistic integrity of the image (there can not be asynchronous messages) and compulsory rhythm of creation of market expectations, but should not be missed moment to that tourists keep nice and bright first impression of the brand image. This point is important to introduce a second brand element - again as part of the character of the brand personality without contradicts art. Again through artistic creations - the future belongs to stories and the skill to tell.  The tourist brand Bulgaria and Sofia will be born step by step - as the music star on the large stage. The image development of the brand is as an artistic image - like a star in show business. These stages of deployment of key branded features are more important than IMC and communication channels - it is more important how to develop an image and how persuasive rather than whether we are able to present it in as many communication channels - this it is correctable.

Myths and Legends – Why

Successful national brands such as that of Italy and Greece and brands of city destinations like Paris and Rome are positioning and developing their brand namely by producing branded stories through movies, legends and stories well told vire films and songs. Stories are resistant in human mind and easily reach all target groups. Legends offer a combination of history and figment  - the way to connect the fragmentary facts we have. People need not only facts, but also values, Universe knowledge and examples to follow. They need heroes and stars. They need good stories, good examples and inspiration. This is the reason that four years ago I started writing – brandstory telling, creating heroes and legends that in 2015 I have gathered in a book - "Tender Conversation with the Mountain" The legends and the mythological story in it are marketing solutions for creating, positioning and enforcement of  brand Bulgaria and brand Sofia.

"The functioning of the image is impossible without the use of deeply embedded in the public consciousness individual mythological models." (Petrov, M. "The Personal Image") "The idea of ​​archetypes works on a subconscious level. Carl Gustav Jung describes the term "archetype" as recurring phenomena that are in the subconscious of the people and therefore the system of their myths. The archetype is a matrix in the subconscious that causes us to act a certain way. Main opposition is Good - Evil. Best working arhetip in tourism field is Heaven - Hell. On a subconscious level cities are seen as a part of Hell. Heaven is associated with the golden light, purity, flowers (the Garden of Eden), calmness, timeless order. Tourist destination are being positioned as a piece of Paradise, especially sea destinations.

Myths and legends are very effective forms of brand personality presentation. 

The myth is the nature of the brand, because it itself is a mythologized product as Rumyana Abadzhimarinova explains in "The Trademark - Brand". "The brand itself is a secondary sign system product ... having its own signified and signifier it appears to be a connotative upgrade over sign system product." The brand is a social myth about the product, myth the way  Barthes determines it. The brand as a mythologized product also becomes true.

The brand allows to look at the situation much broader than what happens in the relationship "product-user." In this signifier of brand using human consumption as a formal occasion, spread over the system of its vital values ​​its relationships in society, his idea of ​​himself awareness of their place in society and in the world.  

Rumyana Abadzhimarinova in "The Trademark - Brand" explores the semiotic nature of the "brand" and in particular myth as the third element, which together with the form and content formed its three elements in triangle: subject - signifier - signified. It presents landmark trinity described by the Swiss linguist Ferdinand Sossyur (Ferdinand de Saussure) in his book "Course in general linguistics" of 1915 (p. 290) Abadzhimarinova summarizes that "the mere physical object - this is the form or content embodied content. Namely the object is used for formal designation of another object, phenomenon, properties or relations."(P. 166). "Connotative meaning is associative - figuratively, emotionally, or evaluative value, that adds denotative content ... In denotative meaning prevails the content of the subject and connotative meaning dominates the attitude of the speaker towards the subject "(p. 166) 

The personality of Bulgaria brand needs a novel - myth that will provide the communication chain Past - Present - Future and will develop the core of the identity of the destination, providing the missing core message of destination. Sofia needs its brand story, too.

Legends combine history and fantasy and develop strong and thrilling emotional connection that achieves high efficiency in advertising messages - accessible to all target groups by age structure.

It carries sentimental value that is added to the sense of destination. Possible forms of marketing are: promotional video; printed brochure; historical film, theatre performance, opera spectacle, short animation during exhibitions and other public forums, guided tours; tourist routes "In the footsteps of  Constantine the Great and Sofia." A legend story in the form of a short video will have the widest implementation of all other forms of legend. The short videos are applicable to the Internet (used in all sites and in all social networks).

There is no stronger and more explicit message than a legend dedicated to one of the greatest personalities in the world and linked to his personal life and the love of his life. Roman cultural and historical heritage of Sofia enables the creation of a specific recognizable image of the capital - Sofia is a city chosen by Emperor Constantine I the Great, a city of memory and an important Christian center, the road of faith. Sofia could be positioned as an important spiritual center, one of the earliest and most important Christian centers of Balkans and in Europe. This will be achieved by presenting Sofia as a spiritual center for thousands of years and that Serdica is the cradle of Christianity during the reign of Emperor Constantine I the Great.

   The image of the brand personality could be controlled and managed. To impose the ideas and expectations in the minds of the target audience, the brand communication is simply following the innovative plan of Art Communication of the brand:

1. Introductory advertising of the brand - the main advertising has the function of a general presentation of the destination, presenting selected first priority of the SWOT analysis of the destination

2. The main advertisement of the brand - presentation of the first and second - the most important priorities of the SWOT analysis of the destination

3. Supporting advertising - a reminder of the first two priorities with an introductory presentation of the next - third, fourth, etc. Subbrands can be applied to the proposed advertisement

The Art Communication of the brand is much more important than Integrated Marketing Communications. These traditional instruments will help us again, but they will follow the development of the stages of the Brand personality in its Art Communication. We are implementing the stages of forming the personality the way we produce a "Music Star".

This new methodology offers an innovative (business) approach for creating and branding personality - applying the formula to create a product "Music Star" when creating a destination brand. And content is most important of all – it defines the product.

Building a brand is building a vision and image of a showmusic star - telling the valuable in its history, presenting its most precious gift;  describing the specific features of the talent ... Our brand has a set of assets that make its personality competitive, we need to present them step by step  the way we construct the image of a music star.

Applying the formula to create a product "Music star" when creating a destination brand

The biggest and the strongest message is sent first to attract the eyes to the image to get more attention and greater presence. The first glance, the first meeting are very important - they wedge in the mind of the customer - the moment of the “magic touch”. Claiming the brand image will be realized with the help of artistic works - reviving the most spectacular and inspiring way that the most intense part of the soul of the brand that bears its essence. Each new feature of brand image (the second most important asset of destination then third, etc.) is introduced, following two important conditions - artistic integrity of the image (there can not be asynchronous messages) and compulsory rhythm of creation of market expectations, but should not be missed moment to that tourists keep nice and bright first impression of the brand image. This point is important to introduce a second brand element - again as part of the character of the brand personality without contradicts art. Again through artistic creations - the future belongs to best stories and the skill to tell. But it is a skill that not only excites, it bears accurate information that is easily remembered and quickly reaches the mind of the consumer. Suitable for presenting the branded items are highly emotionally rich moments in the history of the area in which this particular asset is unfolding in fullness. Bulgaria and Sofia have already set a person who will be born step by step - as a toddler on the great stage of the music stars. It is important to note phased development of the brand as an artistic image - like a star in show business. These phases of deployment of key branded features are more important than communication channels, it is more important how to develop an image and how persuasive we are rather than whether we are able to present it in as many communication channels as possible - this it is correctable. 

Designing and building the brand is the epitome of a true proven value, competitive and appreciated by all. Once we have properly designed the brand, the next step to success will be born in the ratio of trademarks and clearly articulated the benefits of the product. 

  Destination branding is the identity of the destination in its diversity and reputation. Successful branding requires the use of its various unique features, all of them - useful and precious content. Content is in the core of the new structuring method, that steps in new tourism marketing practice and pre-develops the brand personality the way we would like to be. This new method comes to prove that in brand developing practice without theory is blind, but also theory without practice is ineffective. Contemporary world is looking for drivers of change, for the promotion of responsible, sustainable and universally accessible tourism; for instruments of achieving the sustainable development goals... But the real drivers are forgotten – the competitive policies offering content - deep and pure knowledge. The new method for designing and building the brand is the opportunity - driver of the new tourist development in the world of values and brand stories, the world of brand personalities, some of which providerole models of our society. The aim of the research is already achieved – a new method of structuring the respective tourist brands is available -  and only practice could test its effectiveness.



1.Abadzhimarinova,R.,"The Trademark - Brand",Siela – Soft and Publishing, Sofia, 2006

2.Jung, C.”Dynamics of  the unconscious”,Walter-Verlag AG,ZurichSchweiz.,1985

3.Jung, C.,”Man and His Symbol”,FergusonPublishing Company,1964(p.99-301)

4.Kotler,P., “Strategic Brand Management” 1994, p. 444

5.Marinov, V., Shumkova,“Guidance for Constructing and Implementation of local/regional Development Strategy In Partnership”,S., 2007, р. 77.

6.Petrov, M. "The Personal Image",AtlantisMedia, 2005

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7.Anholt , S., ‘Why National Image Matters’,UNWTO handbook destination 2016

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9.Content Marketing Institute/MarketingProfs,Annual research  2016 B2C Content Marketing Trends—North America, http://contentmarketinginstitute.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/10/2016_B2C_Research_Final.pdfhttp://www.brandedtranslations.com/branding-beyond-borders/

10.  Branding beyond borders, August 4, 2011 in AdvertisingGlobal BrandingInternational BusinessMarketingTranslation & Localization

11.  Mendirata A." Tourism Branding: Using Your Voice",2009, р.5, http://commercial.cnn.com/resources/task/compass/7.pdf

12.  Mendirata, A. "The Role of Government in Tourism – the Critical "How",  http://commercial.cnn.com/resources/task/compass/5.pdf

13.  Union For Structuring Bulgaria Brand,"Developing Brand "Bulgaria", Product and Regional Brands and Introduction of Integrated Brand Management",Sofia,2012 , www.me.government.bg

14.  Tuominen, P.,“Managing Brand Equity”,LTA 1/99, p. 65

15.  Bradley,“Managing Brand Equity”,LTA 1/99

16.  Egan – Guilding,“Managing Brand Equity”,LTA 1/99

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