The Annual Book 2015 of the Department of Mass Communications at New Bulgarian University is a double Jubilee. It is 20th in a row, with the last ten issues in electronic form and comes exactly 20 years after the graduation of the first class of the Department.
In the first section of the Annual book 2015 are included studies of the lecturers at Department "Mass Communications" at New Bulgarian University.
In the article “Conversations In The Smart Space" by prof. Rusi Marinov, D.Sc. are monitored the development, principles and models of smart work systems, theories of conversation and their modifications in the modern environment. Analyzed are new forms of communication such as M2M and IoT.
Prof. Vladimir Mihaylov, D.Sc. in "Media Studies Are Dead, Long Live Media Studies" points out that the technology Web 2.0 changes the media, changes the principle of communication, changes the way of communication in and through media content. So it seems the end comes for the familiar Media studies 1.0 and we should welcome the new born Media Studies 2.0.
The main idea in the study "The More Theories About Leadership - The Less Successful Leaders In Our Country" from prof. Tolya Stoitsova, D.Sc. is that despite the proliferation of theories about leadership in psychology science, we can not say that the practice of people management in the country is significantly improved. The article advocates the idea that competence in a leadership is directly connected with the communication competence.
In the text "Broadcast News Inside" Prof. Mihail Meltev, PhD deals with the production of television news and the role of the producer. The author points out that the fight for viewers saturate the news with colorful graphics, computer effects, lighting effects and everything depends on the taste and measure of the producer and the director of the news.
In the study "Cinema In Shadow" Assoc. Prof. Petia Alexandrova, PhD shares her thoughts about cinema after 1989, which ceases to be a prestigious and wealth bringing occupation and becomes a shadow of itself from the 70s and 80s of the twentieth century. But somewhere off the main stage is formed a niche for small and medium formats as an alternative: short movies, movies omnibuses, independent, experimental and art projects, hybrid forms between video, performance and avant-garde.
Assoc. Prof. Dessislava Boshnakova, PhD presents crowdsourcing that not only ignited the passion of people towards mutuality initiatives and support but also created new ways of learning. In the study "Education Of The Crowd For The Crowd" she seeks trends and best examples of crowdsourcing as well as its place and role in education.
The "Reflecting The Recent Past By Media Service Providers" by Assoc. Prof. Raina Nikolova, PhD examines the role of the media in keeping the national memory. By movies and news media reports, the media is invited to participate in the study of archives to establish the truth about the recent past together with the history researchers.
Assoc. Prof. Rossen Stoyanov, PhD in his study "Political Myths - New Religion, A New Communication?" emphasizes that political myth establishes the eternity of the past, the inevitability of the present and the inescapable fate of the future. Myth is the armor of ideology. Political myth often claim the level of belief in the absolute truth of the sacred.
The text "Good Practices (Good Cases) In The New Musical Educational Realities As A Challenge For Musical Communicators" by Assoc. Prof. Milena Shushulova-Pavlova, PhD analyzes problems and makes recommendations on the need to build new audiences. Squares, pedestrian zones, markets for flowers, stations in European cities become part of the current music scene and passers-by are surprised with flashmob challenging improvisations. Now it is normal to have an outdoor screen, where you can follow a performance in real time.
The study "The Metamorphoses Of Joint Stock Company "Business Development" by Assist. Prof. Todor G. Panayotov, PhD tracks and analyzes the overall development of one of the biggest newspaper companies in Bulgaria. The focus of the study is on metamorphoses and changes in operations, ownership and financing of the joint stock company.
The focus of the article "Pirate Distribution Of Audio-Visual Content" of Assist. Prof. Stoyko Petkov, PhD is not so much on the battle of corporations to define, criminalization and prosecution of pirate practice, but on finding solutions for independent artists and creative groups, which have the unique opportunity to communicate directly with their audiences.
In „Internal Organizational Communications And Organizational Culture“ Assist. Prof. Evelina Christova, PhDfocuses on the fact that practitioners dealing with internal communications should think of their organization as of a miniature detail of the puzzle of the world – as a part of the world processes of globalization and as members of the European Union, amongst the priorities of which is the labour and organizational mobility. This small detail could contain only defined forms and colours from the common puzzle, but could be the bearer also of a very wide selection of characteristic features. In that sense, even as a quick overview, we need to direct our attention to issues of significance, which are being considered by a number of world renowned researchers in the sphere of inter-cultural events, the international working place and the organizational culture.
In the publication "Ethics In Advertising And Public Relations - A Prerequisite For Sustainable Growth" by Assis. Prof. Alexander Christov, PhD was examined and studied the impact of respect for ethical principles in advertising and PR on long-term relationships with customers and hence - the achievement of sustainable growth of the company. It advocated the position that in many cases self-regulation mechanisms in the field of marketing communications are more effective than legislative regulation.
The text by Elena Dragostinova "PR Message - Between Effective Manipulation And Spam" focuses on the content and quantity of messages the institutions broadcast about themselves. The article expresses the assumption that the PR message still has yet to take full advantage of the variety of platforms provided by the new technologies; to build adequate content and form, according to the specifics of each platform.
The second section of the Annual Book 2015 presents the research of PhD students at the Department "Mass Communications" at New Bulgarian University.
"The Impact Of National Branding On National Identity" by Boryana Gosheva examines the efforts of post-Communist Bulgaria to rethink its national image in favor of branding of the nation. The aim of the programs of building national brand is to create and position the new image to the outside world as well as to revive national pride. Through critical interpretive approach, this article presents an analysis of the symbolism in branding campaigns of Bulgaria.
In the text of Desislava Dankova is presented her own research on "Organizations In Bulgaria And The Use Of Social Media And Networks As A Channel For Communication With Consumers" The aim of the studies is to draw a picture corresponding to the reality of how organizations and companies in Bulgaria understand change and develop communication with the audience through social media and networks.
Teodora Zafirova in the study "Messages Of Clothing In Political Communications" discloses the terms related to clothing in diplomatic protocol. The article examines the role of the types of accessories, attributes and their role in building the image of well-known politicians, as well as non-verbal messages of the communication channel in the communication process.
In "Looking At The Radio Today" Kalin Kalchev points out that today in the radio practice there is a lot of music and a bit of journalism. The study is a comparison between music and information stations with national and regional coverage, and public radio stations.
Boyan Mitrakiev's article "Public Affairs In Culture And Institutions In Eastern Europe" examines the development and regulation of public affairs in the post-socialist countries. Societies in these countries often approach with considerable distrust, somtimes mix public affairs with lobbying and also associate lobbying with corruption and opaque and informal trade of influence, which is deeply rooted in their culture.
The paper "The Role Of Media During A Crisis. Radio: The Parameter Of Analog Broadcasting Vs Digital Broadcasting" by Stavros Kalogiannidis is focused on digital radio and especially its financial effects. The transition from analogue to digital broadcasting requires huge investments in fixed assets. The study answers some basic questions such as:
- What are the advantages of digitization?
- What new business ideas are born?
- What is the course of development in other advanced countries?
- Will there be results in the private sector?
- Are the listeners to receive digital broadcasting?
The third section of the Annual Book 2015 presents scientific forums organized by Department "Mass Communications" at New Bulgarian University. These are Spring Conference on "Trust in journalism and PR," Autumn Conference "Personality in the media and PR" and Summer School on PR, "Ne varietatem timeamus in PR and communications".
The fourth section of the Annual Book 2015 presents books of professors from the Department "Mass Communications" at New Bulgarian University. In 2015 The Publishing House of the New Bulgarian University published the book "Transition stories about culture and communication" by Petia Alexandrova.
The fifth section "Gallery" of Annual Book 2015 presents photos and creative works by students from the Department "Mass Communications" at New Bulgarian University. Photos are from the graduation ball of the class 2015 in Grand Hotel "Sofia" and the photo report of Cindy Vaskova of "Autumn Conference" of the Department. The video shows the working moments before the camera work - various actors' interpretations of Yordan Yovkov stories "Albena", "On the wire" and "Seraphim" by the students in the fall semester of 2014/2015. The audio material was part of the work in NJRN521 Course "Practice of Journalism Part II" and is designed for students from Bachelor program "Journalism" at the Department. It represents the self-fulfillment of professional tasks in real conditions of the exercise of a profession. The practice is concentrated in the field of radio journalism and the presented materials created by our student Juliana Milkova.
Sixth section presents professional development of students, class of 2015 of the Department of "Mass Communications" at New Bulgarian University.
In the last section of the Annual Book 2015 of the Department of "Mass Communications" New Bulgarian University are traditionally presented the graduates with their names, pictures and titles of their diploma theses.
Editorial Board:
Prof. Vladimir Mihaylov, D.Sc.
Prof. Rusi Marinov, D.Sc.
Prof. Mihail Meltev, PhD
Assoc. Prof. Dessislava Boshnakova, PhD
Assoc. Prof. Rossen Stoyanov, PhD
Assist. Prof. Todor Panayotov, PhD
Articles by the Department Fellows:
“Conversations in the smart space"
Prof. Rusi Marinov, D.Sc.
"Media Studies Are Dead, Long Live Media Studies"
Prof. Vladimir Mihaylov, D.Sc.
"The More Theories About Leadership - The Less Successful Leaders In Our Country"
prof. Tolya Stoitsova, D.Sc.
"Broadcast News Inside"
Prof. Mihail Meltev, PhD
"Cinema in shadow"
Assoc. Prof. Petia Alexandrova, PhD
Education of the crowd for the crowd
Assoc. Prof. Dessislava Boshnakova, PhD
The "Reflecting the recent past by media service providers"
Assoc. Prof. Raina Nikolova, PhD
"Political Myths - New Religion, A New Communication?"
Assoc. Prof. Rossen Stoyanov, PhD
"Good Practices (Good Cases) In The New Musical Educational Realities As A Challenge For Musical Communicators"
Assoc. Prof. Milena Shushulova-Pavlova, PhD
"The Metamorphoses of joint stock company "Business Development"
Assist. Prof. Todor G. Panayotov, PhD
"Pirate Distribution Of Audio-Visual Content"
Assist. Prof. Stoyko Petkov, PhD
„Internal organizational communications and organizational culture“
Assist. Prof.Evelina Christova, PhD
"Ethics In Advertising And Public Relations - A Prerequisite For Sustainable Growth"
Assis. Prof. Alexander Christov, PhD
"PR Message - Between Effective Manipulation And Spam"
Elena Dragostinova
Articles by PhD Students:
"The Impact Of National Branding On National Identity"
Boryana Gosheva
"Organizations In Bulgaria And The Use Of Social Media And Networks As A Channel For Communication With Consumers"
Desislava Dankova
"Messages Of Clothing In Political Communications"
Teodora Zafirova in the study
"Looking At The Radio Today"
Kalin Kalchev
"Public Affairs In Culture And Institutions In Eastern Europe"
Boyan Mitrakiev
“The Role of media during a crisis Radio: The parameter of Analog broadcasting Vs Digital broadcasting”
Stavros Кalogiannidis
Spring Conference
"Trust in journalism and PR"
Autumn Conference
"Personality in the media and PR"
PR Summer School
"Ne varietatem timeamus in PR and communications"
Books by Fellows of the Department
"Transition stories about culture and communication" by Petia Alexandrova
Graduation ball of the class 2015 in Grand Hotel "Sofia"
"Autumn Conference" of the Department, Hall 20, New Bulgarian University, photo report by Cindy Vaskova, MA student
actors' interpretations, BA students
Practice in Journalism, BA students
Students at Work, Class of 2015
Class of 2015
ISSN 1310-8670
Translation of the summary Evelina Christova