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The doctor online – requirements for specific competencies and skills


J.Vinarova[1], P.Mihova[2]

[1,2]New Bulgarian University, Sofia, Bulgaria

[1], [2]




The transmission of medical practice into the virtual world leads to significant change not only in  expectations and interpretations of communication skills and standards of information production, but also in the required technological skills, especially as part of the professional experience.

In this paper we are going to discuss the doctors necessary competencies to work and develop in the modern technological world.


Published in: Vinarova J., Mihova P, The doctor online – requirements for specific competencies and skills, "Ukrainian Journal of Telemedicine and Medical Telematics", ISSN 1811-1688 (Online), ISSN 1728-936X (Print), Том 11, №1, 2013






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