Нов български университет



Ekaterina Todorova

New Bulgarian University, Sofia, Bulgaria



The main concept underlying the interpretation of the phenomenon dyslexia in the development of some children is the incompatibility between their abilities and their real achievements. In itself, this concept defines the disorder as a topical and rather exploited subject and provokes profound studies conducted by professionals from a number of scientific spheres including psychologists, logopaedians and doctors of medicine. As a result, a multitude of etiological theories and classifications have been generated. Specialized literature offers a big variety of definitions and specific behavior patterns.  Dyslexia is a difficulty in the acquisition of accurate and/or fluent word reading, spelling and writing that is neurological in origin (Smythe I., 2007). In 1998 Gavin Reid defined dyslexia as “models of difficulties, related to information processing, which limit the development of literacy and lead to incompatibility between the expected and real achievements at school”. Dyslexia is a specific learning difficulty which mainly affects the development of literacy and language related skills. It is likely to be presentat birth and to be lifelong in its effects. It is characterised by difficulties with phonological processing, rapid naming, working memory, processing speed, and the automatic development of skills that may not match up to an individual’s other cognitive abilities (British Dyslexia Assosiation, 2008). Dyslexia may be caused by a combination of difficulties in auditory and visual processing, working memory, and analysis, synthesis and storage in the orthographic and phonological lexica. The semantic and motor systems may also be implicated. The manifestation of dyslexia in any individual will depend upon not only individual cognitive differences, but also the language used. The areas of learning involved in developmental dyslexia can be divided into two groups. The first group consists of the basic academic skills: reading, writing, spelling, arithmetic and language. The second group contains areas of learning such as persistence, attention and sequential organization, impulse control, social competence and the coordination of movements. Difficulties in either area can occur in isolation, or in combination with kind of forms of dyslexia.




Published in:  Todorova E., Statiya na tema: „Bolest li e disleksiyata“, v online spisanie “Populyarno za meditsinata”, publikuvano ot medipop.eu na 28.04.2013, http://medipop.eu/?p=1959

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