7.7 Devolution? a vanishing bacterial species boundary
By John Timmer | Published:
April 12, 2008 - 02:40PM CT
Those of you who made it
through a high school biology class where evolution was discussed undoubtedly
were introduced to the idea of geographic isolation. Keep two populations of a
single species from mating for a few million years and, even in the absence of
selective pressure, they are likely to pick up enough genetic differences to
keep them from mating should they ever be rejoined. But this model really
applies to larger species—geography really doesn't make much sense on the
bacterial level, and bacterial exchange DNA through a process called
conjugation that really isn't picky about the what species the organism on the
receiving end is.
The frequency of conjugation
and other forms of horizontal gene transfer in bacteria has led some to
question whether it makes sense to talk of bacterial species at all. Some
research published in Science
last week describes a case that will definitely inform that discussion, as it
describes a species boundary that may be vanishing due to horizontal gene
The work looked at gene flow
between two species, Campylobacter jejuni
and Campylobacter coli; the
latter is responsible for human gastroenteritis. Both species inhabit the
digestive tracts of warm-blooded animals, and sequence differences in key genes
suggest that jejuni and coli have been been going their own way
for over 100 million years.
The new work tracks a set of
3,000 global Campylobacter
samples through seven genes. The work suggests that C. jejuni is a distinct species, while C. coli is composed of three
recognizable groups. It also finds a distinct pattern of horizontal gene
transfer among them, as nearly 20 percent of the alleles transferred into one
of the C. coli groups
originated in C. jejuni. In
essence, the distinction between the two species is being erased in this one
population. Other instances of horizontal transfer suggest the three groups of C. coli still exchange DNA, so it's
possible that this process might eventually reach an endpoint where all species
distinctions are gone.
After 100 million years
apart, what could have caused this genetic reintegration? The researchers
suggest it happened only very recently; none of the C. jejuni DNA has picked up mutations since it has been
picked up by the other species. They propose that agriculture, which has led to
radical changes in animal species distributions and brought things like pigs
and chickens into close contact, is responsible for bridging the barriers that
once separated the bacterial species.
2008. DOI: 10.1126/science.1155532