Нов български университет

Департамент “Масови комуникации”

Спонсорство на културни и творчески инициативи на Клуб ЕКСТРИЙМ

Иван Кристоф, НБУ


Клуб „EXTREME” беше доброволческа, студентска инициатива, целяща да подпомага обмена на идеи, информация и взаимопомощ в областта на екстремните спортове, визуални изкуства на труднодостъпни места, благородни идеи и обществено полезни инициативи  между студенти от различни университети.

http://club.ivankristoff.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/10/NBUoffroad.jpgНа 05 Октомври, 2010г., в гр. София, в Нов български университет, се състоя учредителното събрание на студентски клуб към Студентски съвет на НБУ под наименованието „EXTREME– ЕКСТРИЙМ”. Мисията на клуба бе да развие и популяризира дейността на най-смелите, екстремните и талантливите студенти от/завършили НБУ и създаде силна мрежа от контакти и обмен на опит с хора от корпоративния бизнес и светът на екстремните спортове. Тъй като платформата и обединяващата връзка между студентите е НБУ, затова и от благодарност и солидарност към университета можем да го популяризираме извън границите на родината ни, като издигнем репутацията му до висоти достойни само за най-смелите. Въпреки, че вече не съм студент на НБУ, продължавам да помагам и спонсорирам този проект, смятам с опита си описан тук, да предам щафетата и стимулирам ентусиасти, които искат да поемат собствен път в света на екстремното.



Sponsorshipof cultural and creative initiatives of Club EXTREME

Ivan Hristov Mihaylov

New Bulgarian University


Club “EXTREME” is a voluntary, student initiative to promote the exchange of ideas, information and assistance in the field of extreme sports, visual arts, remote/rope access, as well as, noble ideas and useful initiatives between students from different universities.

Club E.X.T.R.E.M.E. is the abbreviation of STUDENT’S EXTREME TEAM FOR RESCUE, AERIAL AND MARITIME EMERGENCY. It is founded in 2010, as a Club of the Student’s Council of the New Bulgarian University. Since  2010, I honoured extraordinary and courageous individuals who take major challenges. Each Ivan Kristoff’s Arts Award is given for the assistance of visualizing new projects for students of New Bulgarian University and Club Extreme. These projects will be developed into Working groups of experts in the aviation industry, air medical/emergency services and communications who can work on improving safety procedures and practices for aerial operations. Everyone can join the team by contacting us and follow the club’s fan page facebook.com/ProjectExtreme

For those high adrenaline seekers who love to fly, live on the edge and are interested to organize a club and participate in outdoor sports, this article will show you a small part of the history of Club EXTREME. That is the cultural aspect of the activities that I initiated and will continue to support those who want to continue in the adventures spirit and endeavors of the club. The club made a lot of people happy and besides teaching them new skills in climbing, driving, etc. I guess that with the extreme photography, they had unforgettable moments.

That is way I wanted and I created a new way to stimulate adrenaline seekers to participate in extreme sports, extreme rope access, extreme rescue and extreme everything. In today’s world of moral depravation, it is a challenge to guide the character development, competitive atmosphere and spiritual growth in a positive and fruitful way. As a parent of two children, a girl and a boy, I was concerned how I would have to adapt to the new trends of today’s society in which Information Technology and Communications grab the attention even of the toddlers and children from the moment they recognize the Social Media Mix as a way of socializing and expressing their ideas and artistic skills.

Just before my daughter went to the Pre-Kindergarten school, she learned how to unlock my Blackberry Cellphone (the brand was famous as the most secure handheld device at that time) just by a visual memory. She has a very good Photography Memory, so I saw the potential to develop in a young girl the interest in Visual arts and get the best photography and visual art technology for her. My baby boy is another interesting story of art expression. He recently turned his first Birthday, but now he takes my Tablet PC, turns it on, plays with the Windows 8 apps, finds his favorite and imitates me how I use them. Same thing goes with my smartphones – he takes them, and does the “Baby Talk”, always with the first phrase: “Hello! Yes…” He puts his own musical toys, turns on the TV set and cable receiver by a very precise consequence of pushing the right buttons and finds the music channel “111” (this was easy for him, because he had to type three times the digit “1”) and starts dancing.  So, obviously he has interest in the Performing arts as well. And he is just 14 months old.

So, the moral of the story is that it is very important how you talk to children and Generation Alpha. The same goes to how you talk and communicate to the young people from Generation X. That is why I decided to setup a club that has a different approach to arts and sports and communicate ideas in the same way Leonardo Da Vinci expressed his ideas over 500 centuries ago– through Art and Technology.

My strategy to support the initiatives of Club Extreme, as embodied in the first version of the logo of the club is the X/Y embodiment of the sign X, as shown in the right picture – that is when me and friends from theGeneration X “give a leg” to the Generation Y.

To  grab the attention of the young generation which goes to extreme lengths (literally) to express their personality and creativity in a positive way, through the modern way of “edutainment”, it came naturally to me that it would be best to use the energy that can be found in the extreme sports. Since we live in a new Information Technology and Communication age, we can benefit of the advanced technology that the industry is making towards action sports and adventure. Especially that most cameras are developed with the necessary tools for the Social Media Mix. As an ex-student of the University of Toronto’s Faculty of Arts & Science, I learned how to think big when it comes to promoting Art initiatives.

That is why I sponsor and support the initiatives of young and prominent students, who dare to enter the vertical world. The Club develops specialized training for aerial and vertical operations, work at extreme heights and sports.


On 05 October, 2010, in New Bulgarian University, was held the constituent мeeting of the student club at the University Student Council under the name “EXTREME” On the 21th of December, 2011 at the New Bulgarian University, Ipresented thevision for the new founded Club EXTREME.This is a new initiative can support Search and Rescue (SAR) projects, vertical and aerial rope access training, extreme and motor sports.

During the International exhibition of technologies and helicopter operations DubaiHelishow 2012, I shared my vision with a team to shoot a short film on the occasion of the 101th anniversary of Bulgarian aviation.

The exhibition was attended by the Minister of Economy of the United Arab Emirates Sultan Bin Saeed Al Mansouri, who was impressed by the idea of ​​new World Records that can be set up in Dubai by our members.

Yordan Georgiev Receives Ivan Kristoff AwardOn the 12th of December, 2012, I announced the establishment of the Photogarphy Award, designed to encourage and celebrate the creation of new artwork in the rope access, air medical rescue, high-rise safety and academic field. The award is open to atrists, photographers and cinematographers, who can best visualize the conepts of the project M.A.R.S.in the category - “Mid Air Rope access Solutions – M.A.R.S.”

The Awards are presented every two years. The Laureates receive their Awards at a special ceremony in the presence of distinguished guests. This year’s Award will be given for the winner of the “Mentors and Apprentices” Program.

The winner of the Visual Art Award will win an automatic Limited Edition Swiss Made watch and technical support for the artist was to have his solo exhibition during Dubai Helishow 2016.

During the presentation 12:12:12:12:12:12:12:12:12, I rewarded with a series of Swiss watches, the most prominent and bold fans of the club, who contributed to the successful delivery of our projects in this year’s presentation of the “202” project in Dubai. These were Yordan Georgiev, Stefan Dimitrov and Margarita Sergieva.

The exhibition was attended by the Minister of Economy of the United Arab Emirates Sultan Bin Saeed Al Mansouri, who was impressed by the idea of ​​World Records Extreme Club take place in Dubai. For Dubai Helishow 2014.

“Mentors and Apprentices” Program.

This Arts Initiative brings experienced pilots, rope access technicians, artists, musicians and aerial photographers with highly promising young artists to collaborate a one-to-one mentoring relationship. The program will start in 2015 and we hope to initiate enriching dialogue between artists of different generations, and cultures, fulfilling its aim to make a significant contribution to the visual presentation of the helicopter industry.

The first mentors who responded are the Hollywood artist and fashion photographer Lazar Goushev, the artists Nikolay Yanakiev and Asen Milchev, music composer Kiril Milchev and singer Martin Alexandrov from X-Factor.

Watch an exhibition or be part of it!

Want to see first-hand what happens on our shoots? In the spring of 2015 a filming crew will follow us on our shoot in Dubai to make short films for extreme sports. Currently we are teaming up with a TV crew to do 15 short (5 min.) episodes for extreme sports, which will be shown from early 2015 on the BNT 2 TV station in Europe. They will be part of one hour TV production, shown every Sunday. The first segment of the “E.X.T.R.E.M.E. TV” series of short films will be an introduction to the world of high adrenalin sports and endeavors. The rest of the episodes will be divided in 3 sections (each with 15 episodes): SEA, AIR and LAND.

The first photo shoot will be set over 3 days at the Mydan Racecourse, the longest hotel in the world. The event will take place during Dubai Helishow 2014 and will visualize the surrounding environment of the horizontal progression for the Mid Air Rope acceSs (M.A.R.S.) concept. The idea is to do rope access photo/video shoot and give the visuals to conceptual artists that can portray them in the form of art or conceptual photography.

On the first day of Dubai Helishow 2014, Ivan Kristoff presented the “Mid Air Rope Access Photography” exhibition to His Highness Sheikh Mansoor bin Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum, who inaugurated the event. On the second day we started the Extreme Shoot Experience at the Meydan Racesourse. The third day ended with a special workshop with young artists and participants who were interviewed as part of the main hour-long show. Our team ended the event in the Sensation White Party at the Maydan Racecourse.

Community commitment

Social Responsibility is an essential value for us. We consider Corporate and Social Responsibility as a significant way to utilize our resources: employ team member energy and passion in order to generate a meaningful change.  For this reason we have started a lot of initiatives for the vertical and aerial world of suspended access and rescue operations. From organizing and sponsoring volunteer rescue teams we continue to develop new projects for other organizations.

Aerial Filming and Photography

Traveling around the country with brand new sport cars, sleeping and eating at five star Thermo-Spa hotels are expensive trips. Flying, Hot Air Ballooning, Powered paragliding and the Ultralight aviation are expensive hobbies. But they do create an energizing enthusiasm for creative projects. From my own experience I know how important it is to predispose people in an exciting environment for creative photography. That is why, during the Second (2013) and Third (2014) International Balloon Fiesta “Rimska Bania”, Ibrought to the High Mountains in Bulgaria a few students, introduced members of the Club to the world of light aviation and arranged their accommodation at no cost to them, curtesy of the hotel “Rimska Bania”.

Doing hat-trick in one day

In February, 2013, for a single day tree members went airborne on a hot air balloon, moto paragliding and moto hangliding. In fact they did triple Flipside in the air. The reason for this adventures event was to test the proper equipment for the MARS – Mid Air Ropeless Access project. The moto paragliding, is a form of ultralight aviation where the pilot wears a motor on the back of the paramotor. It provides enough thrust to take off using an adapted paraglider or paramotor wing. By the pilot alone and without any assistance it can be launched in still air, and on level ground.In February, 2014, we brought a few groups of students of NBU and our supporters to do more filming form the air.  See video: Going upside down… a few hundred meters above the ground – 90 degree of total madness :),Hot Air Ballooning, Compilation of event and aerial photography, Testing in the air, Photos…

“Extreme with friends” TV Series

At the Dubai Helishow 2016 we will present the ultimate challenge for the world of rope access and air rescue: M.A.R.S. With students, he started filming the development of this concept and how emergency responders will train to achieve their goal.

Phase 1:  filming 15 episodes for extreme and trailblazing training. Each episode will include 5 minute segments called “Extreme with friends”. The first episode will be introduction to the serial. The next episodes will be divided into three categories:  Sea – Air – Land. They will be aired in 2015. The episodes with our partner’s products can be used for their marketing and social media mix.

Soundtrack for films

Music and extreme sports are the focus on our campaign to promote our initiatives. This combination gathered a few students of NBU, who aimed to attract young audiences and show them through inspiring and motivating ways a positive and useful direction for some community based activities. See the peek preview of the new video clip: “Fire Off”.

This is a one-of-a-kind musical clip involving single engine helicopters, fast cars, heli jumps in the water, Miss Playmate 2011, fashion models and extreme rappers. This video clip showcases the premier of the new Traser H3 Swiss Made watch – The Extreme Chronograph Renault car and the beauty of the Riu Pravets Hotel, Resort and Golf Course.

“In order to grow, you need funds”

Sponsoring of cultural and creative initiatives from your own revenues is the most obvious type of capital, but it’s often ignored when club members consider growing their activities. No matter what other types of capital you raise, at some point everything boils down to your own revenues, assets and resources. That is why I have purchased a 450 sq/m property near Sofia city in which I am building a Creative Center. It will be built as a relaxing and creative place for the artistic team of the Club. The spot is located the heart of Belchin Village, with adjacent Landing Zones for helicopters and just 2 km away from the local airport. It will have its own Air Traffic Control Tower will have a 360 degree panoramic view of the Rila, Pirin, Stara Planina and Vitosha mountains. It will afford views of up to 100 kilometers from its top. The Tower will be shaped in the form of the Space Deck, known as the “World’s Highest Public Observation Deck” in 2003, the year in which I completed the first rope access work above it,  at the height of  470 m. The project in Bulgaria was designed by arh. Chavdar Georgiev, one of the top architects of the major Bulgarian builders – Glavbolgarstroi.  Visitors can enjoy breathtaking vistas from a glass-enclosed balcony. On a clear day they might be able to glimpse sites 75 miles away.

From the initial proposal in 2014, to the final model in 2015, which will include a Training Base, Creative Center, Fitness Gym, Emergency Vehicle Station, certified Dolby Digital and DTS Theater, Relaxing Spa Center, Outdoor 4k Cinema and Rescue Village, the project will involve a consortium of experts from around the world, who will make it into a compact facility for top of the line technology communications.

The tiny principality of Belchin, nestled on the Rila Mountain, is best known as a playground of the rich and famous. But it could soon garner a reputation for more than its nearby Borovetz, Maliovica Ski Resort and numerous mountains. Soon to be built by the Bulgaria’s leading construction company GlavBulgarStroy, the three storey villa will tower over the local surrounding.

It promises future residents the “five-star experience” with a 24/7 security, an entertainment area (with private movie room) and a “wellness center”, including a gym, sauna, private spa, and outdoor Jacuzzi, and a Creative Centre (with 360 degree panoramic view of the Rila, Stara Planina and Vitosha mountains) on the top floor. Spread over three floors, the penthouse property will include, among other things, a kitchen, two bedrooms, a living-room, dining-room, wine cellar, indoor and outdoor garages, balcony, private home-cinema and sauna.

Objectivesof the Club

1.     To organize courses, seminars and events for extreme sports and exercises for participants in extreme situations.

2.     To increase student’s skills and knowledge in the field of special (extreme) events extreme sports, photography and video.

3.     To work on implementing the specialized knowledge and skills of its members in volunteer emergency rescue and recovery of victims from hard to reach places.

4.     To promote the activities of the club through the air and ground demonstrations, media, Internet, films, exhibitions and other events at home and abroad.

5.     To cooperate with Bulgarian and foreign organizations, foundations, associations and others having similar goals and activities at home and abroad.

6.     To exchange information and ideas among students, former students, both within universities and between universities and other institutions.

7.     To support society useful initiatives and charitable activities.

8.     To stimulate artistic development in students of the NBU.

9.     To establish contacts with leading international companies to support the activities of the club.







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